About Me and this blog

Hi, as you might have noticed my name is Kaitlyn. I am almost 20 yo student from Arkansas, US. You can read my personal blog here.  I am outgoing and open about my life and sexuality. I'v met so many wonderful people who have encouraged me to be who I am and not try to hide it.

That has lead to some memorable experiences but also to a few unfortunate things in my life.  I like porn, talking about sex and masturbation. Most girls would consider it sick and that has been one of the problems I'v faced. My former so called friends did not take it kindly and some of them were almost hostile towards me. Fortunately my openness has also had a positive influence in my life. I'v met new wonderful people, who are supportive and understanding. Thank you so much. You know who you are. 

Why I started this blog?

Well I love porn and I am not ashamed to admit that, if you have an issue with that you are on a wrong blog.  The second reason is purely to support my financial situation. I don't deny that. Since I started being who I really am my parents made it very clear that they did not want any part of it. I can understand them, their little princess turning out to be a human being after all. 

That must have been a shock to them. It was the reason why, as soon as possible, I left home. I left to study on the other side of the world, just to give them some breathing space, to get their mind wrapped around the fact that I am who I am. Now I have settled here but a students allowance is not enough to pay the rent and for other living expenses. I don't want to have loads of money. I just want to have enough to make it through my studies here. 

I hope you do not judge me or my motives, but try to understand that I have to do something. As a foreigner I have really slim chance of getting a job. I know that might sound a bit weird, but I don't speak the language spoken here so I have to rely on alternative means of getting by. There is no denying it I might have gotten myself in to a heap of trouble by leaving home, but I had to do something. 

Whit love.... Kaitlyn